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Squatters: Get Your Act Together

That’s the message from the Fort Myers Beach Town Council as we close in on the third anniversary of Hurricane Ian. If you live in a camper on your property the clock is ticking.


The Library Re-Opens Sunday

Our Sunday show moves to the Fort Myers Beach Library this week as we help the library staff celebrate the grand re-opening of the facility after more than 2 years of repairs and waiting. Beach Talk Radio will broadcast live at 10AM including the ribbon cutting ceremony. 

Taxpayers Still Paying For Mistakes of Previous Town Manager

On Monday, the Fort Myers Beach Town Council will most likely approve an $85,000 settlement from a lawsuit filed by the property owners of 205 Sterling Avenue. Here's why...

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is Tomorrow

The 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, hosted by the Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club, is tomorrow at 10AM. Beach Talk Radio will broadcast the parade live from the CVS parking lot (there is no show at Margaritaville tomorrow).

What’s Going on With The Matanzas Pass Preserve?

Lee County owns the Matanzas Pass Preserve, which is located behind the Estero Island Historical Society on Bay Road. The Preserve has been closed since the boardwalk was heavily damaged by Hurricane Ian in September 2022.

Who Are The Best Bartenders on The Island?

The women and men behind the bars on Fort Myers Beach have been working their tails off, not only during this busy beach season, but since Hurricane Ian when the going was extremely tough. It’s time to recognize the best of the best. Here’s how…

Do You Like The FMB Comp Plan & LDC?

This Sunday at the library grand re-opening the Town of Fort Myers Beach will have a table set up on the 3rd floor of the building looking for feedback on the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Changes are being made to the documents.

What’s Going on at Lover’s Key in April?

Lovers Key State Park will present weekly programs on park history and wildlife throughout the month of April. Space is limited for all events and reservations may be required. Here's the full roster of what's happening in the month of April.

Go With Grapes

Join neighbors, friends and members of St. Raphael’s Episcopal Church on Saturday, March 29th at 5PM for a gathering of Grace & Grapes. Join and evening of faith and fellowship featuring cheese, cheers and community.

How You Can Help A Beach Friend

By now you’ve heard about 17-year old Jaciey, killed in a horrific car crash Wednesday morning on Gladiolus. Jaciey was part of the team at Nervous Nervous Nellie's, and her mom Trish works at DiamondHead Beach Resort as a server at Cabañas Beach Bar & Grille.

Our 3rd Annual Day Before Mother’s Day Race

Registration for our 3rd Annual Day Before Mother's Day 5K Run and 1-Mile walk is open. The event will start and finish at Margaritaville Resort where the Meagan Rose Band will perform live after the medal ceremony.

Registration is Open For Great American Cleanup

The Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup is Saturday, March 29th from 8AM to 10AM at multiple locations across Lee County. There are three Fort Myers Beach locations; The Beach Elementary School, Bowditch Beach and, Lynn Hall Park. 

We Need 199 Coffees to Hit Our March Revenue Goal

An interview with YOUR Town Manager, live Shrimp Festival videos, the parade and shrimp eating broadcasts, the upcoming St. Patrick's Day broadcast and the latest Seagate news. To keep the news flowing about your slice of paradise, we need your support HERE or HERE.
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