How to Get Our New Gulf of America Shirt

Our online merch store is brimming with a new shipment of our new Gulf of America/Slice of Paradise short sleeve shirts. It’s our most popular item right now with over 100 shipped in the last week. Order HERE.
We also have an assortment of long sleeve shirts with four colors to choose from including our new scarlet long sleeve with a hoodie. You order today, we ship today. Here’s how…


  1. I totally do not trust that all these anti-Gulf Of America people are really residents of FMB. The only people that complain are Liberals and FMB has very few Liberals. When Fort Bragg was changed to Forty Liberty, did you stomp your feet and protest? No! You didn’t If you don’t like Gulf of America then don’t buy a shirt. Your Liberal antics and attacks on Ed are childish. Object all you want but the name is changed, officially.

  2. I can’t believe Beach Talk Radio, which calls itself journalism, would sell Gulf of America T-shirts. Where is your objectivity? And why are you selling commentary on a national issue when you’re strictly a local news outlet? Shame on you. Get back to what you’re good at. Your coffee is beginning to taste bitter.

    • Objectivity??? The name has been changed. This has nothing to do with objectivity. Clearly you are a liberal to be so closed minded and not willing to accept change. Did you screech when Biden renamed Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty?

    • So the liberals have something to call their own we have officially changed the Peace River to the newly created Liberal Tears River. Now let’s all sit around the campfire, hug with our blue hair and sing Kumbaya

  3. Disappointed
    As a resident of Fort Myers Beach, I have been supportive of Beach Talk Radio and appreciated their efforts to keep us all informed. How disappointing to see them promote $35 “Gulf of America”shirts knowing how divisive they will be for our community. You have the power to help us unite to rebuild our beautiful FMB. Why would you profit from divisiveness?

    • How is a T shirt divisive? Seriously? Do you even live here? why are you bringing your politics and pushing it on us? Don’t sit and say you support Ed and then tell him what he is allowed to sell because it offends YOU! YOU offend me. So what do you have to say about that? You can always spot the Dem in a group because they are the ones that are not tolerant of anyone who has a different opinion. Did you screech when Obama renamed Mt McKinley? Or when Biden renamed Fort Bragg? or any of the other bases because they offended some Liberal. That was OK with you, right? Don’t come on Ed’s website and then tell him what you don’t approve of him selling.

  4. …..will ALWAYS be “The Gulf of MEXICO!!!” No matter WHAT that orange~headed idiot in the White House decides (when he wants to “sign” his name to change something, fire someone or, change our USA into a communist~like country), it will ALWAYS BE THE GULF OF MEXICO!!!!! PERIOD!

    • I just looked it up and it IS Gulf of America no matter what you have to say about it. You have lived in a “communist like” country since the government entitled themselves to our income by the way of taxation.

  5. Hey Captain, per Britannica: “The Americas can be roughly divided into two major cultural regions: Latin America, which includes North America south of the Rio Grande, the islands of the West Indies, and all of South America; and Anglo-America, which includes Canada and the United States. The term Middle America is sometimes used to designate Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies collectively.”
    So no, Mexico is not in South America. Maybe read a tide chart instead of endless Fox News brainwashing and your boat wouldn’t be stuck.

    • Waaa the lib had to google and answer. Good job. I’m proud of you. I’ll have your participation trophy available for pick up. Was a joke but guessing from your reply you can’t take one. Enjoy the gulf of America.

    • Oh Frances. That’s the Gulf of Liberal Tears. And despite you not know that Mexico is South America and we are North America. Makes sense it’s the Gulf of America. Because both Mexico and the USA are the Americas. Cry another tear please it’s low tide and my boat is stuck.


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